Professional and Affordable Oriental Rug Care in NYC

Oriental rugs are beautiful, decorative, elegant and usually expensive pieces of functional art. It’s not uncommon for home or business owners to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on these pieces for their homes or offices. Like all others, however, these rugs are prone to wear and tear, staining, tatters, pulls and embedded dirt. When it comes time to clean or maintain your rug, put your trust in an experienced and qualified professional. Mint Green Cleaning has been helping our friends and neighbors in Manhattan and throughout NYC care for their oriental rugs, adding years to their lives.

Call us today at 800-986-4305 for a quote. We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Everyday Oriental Rug Care Tips

Although it’s best to leave your Oriental rug care in the hands of a professional service, there are some everyday things we can do to ensure our rugs look stay as clean as possible between professional care sessions. These include little things like daily vacuuming, encouraging your guests to remove their shoes prior to coming into your home, shaking your rugs out to remove excess loose dirt and soil and more. These may seem like common sense techniques, but they can add years of quality life to your rugs and help you avoid having to prematurely discard them and needlessly spend money on replacements.

Cutting-Edge, State-of-the-Art Care Practices

Mint Green Cleaning provides expert, commercial-grade Oriental rug care using the most advanced cleaning and repair techniques. We are committed to offering the most comprehensive care services to keep your rugs looking, feeling and smelling like new. You’ve invested a great deal of money in your rugs and it’s important that they’re cared for properly to prolong their life and remain the focal point of your home or office for the right reasons. Mint Green Cleaning values expediency and quality in equal measure and we will do everything we can to provide quick and prompt care so you experience minimal disruption.

The Most Comprehensive Oriental Rug Care Services

For over 14 years, Mint Green Cleaning has been providing quality, affordable and convenient rug care services to Manhattan and the rest of NYC. We offer options to fit every budget, non-toxic cleaning substances, the most modern care techniques and experienced and committed customer service professionals. Mint Green Cleaning provides free, no-obligation estimates and proudly services homes and businesses all over the New York City area. We strive to offer the quickest turnaround times and the best possible results.

To find out why we are NYC’s preferred rug care resource, call Mint Green Cleaning today at 800-986-4305 for your quote. We look forward to helping you breathe new life into your rug